Before we get started, I think I should point out the fact,
that unlike many others that write about the work of Nikola Tesla, I actually
know a little something about electricity and how it works, because not only am
I a author and researcher into the mysterious world of the esoteric and its
occult knowledge, but in my day-job, I
am Journeyman Inside Wireman, more commonly known as a Licensed Journeyman
Electrician, with about thirty years’ experience in the electrical trade, with
special training for high voltage. I
have also been a State Electrical Inspector, and a Commercial Electrical
Contractor. So, like I said, I know a little bit about electricity and how it
works. And like many in the electrical field, Nikola Tesla has always been an
interest and little hobby, trying to figure out just what he was doing. Additionally,
although I have tried hard to keep it all in easy to understand terms, it is
recommended that you have at least a basic understanding of electricity and how
it works.
Now, after years of research and reading every single thing
I could get my hands on about Nikola Tesla, I have finally found the key to
understanding exactly what Nikola Tesla was working on. And this key to
understanding what he was doing, is rooted in knowing what job he was
originally hired to do by Thomas Edison. Which was very simply to help solve
the problem of ‘arc-flash’ that Edison had. This was primarily due to the high
DC voltage and current he was using for his electrical system. The main problem
was that a number of people had been injured or killed by this arc-flash. This
problem was so bad that it was in fact threatening the entire idea of being
able to provide electrical power to the public. And again, this was why Thomas
Edison hired Nikola Tesla, to help solve this problem.
The reason this is so important is because the standard
textbook definition of ‘arc-flash’ is basically that the current finds a path
of low impendence though the air when closing an electrical switch, where the
air becomes the conductor, which results in a rapid release of energy. It is in
essence, much like arc-welder, except the energy release is uncontrolled. (More
information on arc-flash can be found here).
And this is where is Nikola Tesla’s true genius shines
through, because Tesla said that the standard definition of ‘arc-flash’ was
wrong, and what was really happening was that the current and the voltage were
decoupling from each other, with the current discharging into the ether (which
today, we understand to be discharging into the Earth’s natural electromagnetic
field). And the reason he said this, is because he had noticed that during the
arc-flash, the current dropped to zero as it was discharged through the air,
but the voltage continued on unaffected.
And this is the secret to understanding what he was doing.
Because, once he had this idea that you could decouple the current from the
voltage, he quickly realized that if you did this, then you should be able to
transmit the voltage without the current and then recouple it once you have
received it. And very simply put, you would not need a conductor or wire to
transmit the electrical energy. Once you can get you mind around this, you can
quickly understand that all his work is based around this simple idea and
almost all the technology he developed was in essence what we call today ‘proof
of concept.’
For example, his development of the radio, it was a proof of
concept that you could transmit only the voltage though the air, this was done
by creating a standing wave of voltage at one frequency, or a Sine Wave, which
is created by an alternating voltage, more commonly known as a radio wave.
Which was then fed into an antenna which is one-half the size of a preselected
range of frequencies, that then transmitted this standing wave of voltage or
radio-wave through the air to a receiver, which is just like the transmitter,
but with the electrical energy is just back-fed though the system into a
speaker. Although it is a bit more complicated than that, this is basically
what is happening when you create a radio wave.

Once he had proven that you could control not only the
standing wave of the voltage and transmit it (radio), but you could also use it
to control the current in a conductor (the transformer and AC power in general),
the next important step was to develop a safe way to decouple the current and
voltage in a controllable fashion, that did not result in an arc-flash.
This led to the development of what is known as ‘Tesla’s
coil,’ more commonly known today as just a 'Tesla coil.' Which is basically a specially designed transformer that produces a very
high voltage, while knocking down the current down to an equally low level. The
other important thing that this coil does, and makes it so different than a
standard transformer, is that it also increases the frequency of the electrical
He then took and hooked-up a number of these Tesla coils
together into a large Series Circuit, simply taking the output of one coil and
feeding it into the input of the next one, he did this until he produced an
incredibly high voltage, high frequency, electrical wave, or Sine wave, with zero current,
which again, in essence, is decoupling the voltage and the current. Now, many
may be very skeptical that this is what Tesla was doing, but we do have
photographic evidence that he did achieve this. In this famous photo we can
clearly see Nikola Tesla, without any protective gear, surrounded by high
voltage electrical arcs. The reason he isn’t killed, is because there no ‘current’
in the arcs, they are in fact nothing more than large static shocks, like you
get from touching a door knob after rubbing your feet across a carpet. In fact,
the static shock you get from touching a door knob most likely has more ‘current’
in it, than is in the arcs in the photo of Tesla. And again, the proof is in
the photograph and the fact Nikola Tesla wasn’t killed while sitting there for
the picture to be taken.

He then fed this high frequency, high voltage, zero current,
electrical power up the tower, into the dome structure seen at the top. This is
nothing more that what is known as an ‘air capacitor’ for storing electrical
energy. This high frequency, high voltage, is then fed into the center
conductor under the dome, it is this piece that then produces a high frequency,
high voltage, standing wave, which is then fed into a large antenna, which was
designed to produce a 7Hz. Electrical Wave, or radio wave.
The reason he picked 7Hz frequency, is because this one of
the natural resonant frequencies of the Earth’s electromagnetic field, in fact,
it is the electrical frequency of lightning. So, as this 7Hz radio wave moved
through the Earth, it would gain energy every time there was a lightning
strike. (This is also the same exact technology that allows your weatherperson
to show you the number and locations of lightning strikes on the evening news,
which is proof this entire idea actually works and is currently in use). As you
can now understand, this type of system actually taps into the Earth’s own
natural electrical field and gains energy as it moves through the Earth, each
and every time there is a lightning strike.
At the receiving tower, which is just a copy of the
transmitter tower, the large antenna picks up this 7Hz wave, (with its added
energy), where it is then fed back up into the center conductor of the tower,
thereby producing a standing wave, which then is fed back into the dome or air-capacitor,
which then recreates the same high frequency, high voltage as before, which is
then back-fed through a Series of Tesla’s coils, knocking the voltage and
frequency back down, while recoupling the current back to the voltage, which
then can be used to power whatever piece of equipment you have. And that in
nut-shell is what Nikola Tesla was doing.
Once you can get you mind around this rather simple idea and
begin understanding it, you will quickly realize that Nikola Tesla’s idea of a
‘Death Ray’ from these towers is not the ‘crazy idea’ it has been presented to
the public, nor was Tesla going mad. And this is for the very simple reason
that the ‘frequency’ that is created is in the microwave range, and Tesla
realized that this microwave energy could be focused and used like a laser, in
fact it could be the first idea of using a ‘microwave laser’ to knock out enemy
targets. Which then allows you to realize that it was most likely Nikola Tesla
that originally came up with the first ideas of energy-based defense system,
better known as Regan’s Star Wars program of the 1980, which has changed into
the more modern-day anti-missile laser-based systems. And he was truly a man
far ahead of his time and anybody alive at the time. Although this a rather
awesome idea, and the military actually did look into this idea, but the real
truth is, it isn’t a very practical weapon with many limitations, but it does
appear to be the brain-child that led to the idea of energy-based weapon
systems, which are currently in development.
As you can now understand, although this type of electrical
system isn’t really ‘free energy,’ but compared to our current electrical
systems, it would be almost unbelievably cheap to run, so cheap in fact, it
would make next to impossible to actually pay for building the system by
charging people for using the power as we do today. Additionally, it is next to
impossible to actually put an Electrical Meter on this type of system in the
first place.
Now, I know that in and by itself, sounds pretty awesome, especially
to anybody who has to pay the electric bill every month, but this system
actually has a number of downsides, and these downsides are the real reason
this system was never developed and most likely will never be developed on a
large scale. Also, once you are aware of some of these problems, you quickly
realize it isn’t really being suppressed by the Gas and Oil companies of the Energy
business nor the Government.
One of the most important reasons is that system has not
been developed is because it taps directly into the natural resonant frequency
that helps control the weather of the planet, primarily lightning storms, and
nobody has any idea or even a clue to what might happen, if we start screwing
with the natural resonant frequencies of the Earth. (Although, it should be
noted, it does appear that numerous private firms and governments around the
world are already doing this on many different levels with their on-going
geo-engineering projects and cloud seeding.)
The next major problem is that there is no way to control
the use of this power, and that is a scary thought in and by itself. Because can
you imagine allowing a major corporation or a government access to what is
basically unlimited amounts of unbelievably cheap electrical power? Like I
said, one scary thought. Or the even scarier idea that anyone of these things
could be very quickly and easily turned into a giant microwave killing machine.
Additionally, the next major downside is the given fact that
this whole system works in the microwave range and it would operate at a much
higher power that any system currently in use today (except for high power
Military radar systems) it could and would most likely result in massive health
problems for the general public and especially for anybody working close to, or
on the towers themselves, they would in essence be blasted with high energy
microwaves, literally cooking you from the insides, like being in huge
Microwave oven. Not only would there be health problems, but because of this
microwave energy and just as Tesla himself stated and we covered above, it
could easily be turned into a weapon. And let us be honest here and that nobody
wants a something that could give them health problems and possibly be turned
into deadly weapon sitting in their neighborhoods, much less in their own
Although there are numerous other engineering problems and
not to speak of all the additional legal, ownership, and economic, questions
and problems that would natural arise from building such a system, but there is
an even bigger threat from this type of electrical transmission system, and
that is the fact that ultra-low frequency radio waves, like the 7Hz frequency
this system uses, can and do induce earthquakes, if used around or focused on
fault lines. Which also means, although it does sound like science-fiction, is
that system could also be used as not only as a microwave weapon, it could
theoretically be used as an earthquake weapon, if you could figure out a way to
focus the energy. Which given the large number of strange and unusually
powerful earthquakes of the last twenty or so years, that also strangely appear
to be timed with political problems, plus the on-going geo-engineering
projects, I think it makes it rather safe to speculate that again, there are
numerous corporations and governments of the world, already using this
The above reasons should give you a rather good idea, of
just why this incredible electrical system of Nikola Tesla, was not developed
in the first place nor is it likely that it will be developed in the near
future, and if it has, as the evidence appears to support, it needs to
dismantled, because it is just simply too dangerous, with to many unknowns that
actually have the potential to damage the entire planet and destroy our
civilization. -RJ-
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‘Unlocking the Dream Vision: The secret history of creation’ takes you
on a fascinating journey into the mystical esoteric symbolism of the
largely forgotten Dream Vision that is buried deep within the ancient
Book of Enoch. It is a unique journey where you are taken into the
highly symbolic Dream Vision with its mysterious mystical esoteric
symbolism, which reveals one of the most heretical, blasphemous, and
controversial accounts of creation ever told, for both believer and
skeptic alike.
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