This post is an attempt to answer a question I
was asked by a retired police officer who had read my book and written to me. And
as a retired police officer, who had seen more than his fair share of man’s
inhumanity to man, he was wondering (in the context of chapter 18 of UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION), if I had any esoteric or occult insight into why this
senseless violence occurs so often. Although it is beyond my ability to answer
why individual acts of violence occur, there is actually an esoteric reason for
why so much of it happens, and why the elites and ruling class seem to do so
little to stop it.
As we all know so well, the problem of
violence has plagued mankind from the beginning and it is a highly complex
problem that has been studied, researched, and augured about, for almost as
long. All without any real answers to why it happens or any solutions that
actually work. For it does appear to be something that is just part of us, or
is it? Could it be that we are not actually that violent by nature, but we are
somehow tricked or manipulated into being so violent?
Now, for many, that might seem a bit
farfetched that sounds like the makings of a grand conspiracy theory. And it
does sound a bit nutty when you think about the idea that we as a society or as
individuals are being manipulated in some sinister manner to cause violent acts
against others. But, as you will now learn, it is basically true, but not in
the way most would think. In order to understand this, we must turn to a book
that the vast majority of people have never heard of, by an author who is just
as equally unknown; Politics of Experience, By Dr. Ronald D. Laing.
This is actually the book you need to read, if
you wish to understand the grand manipulation of society that is orchestrated
by the ruling powers. It is in essence the psychological understanding of how
to manipulate people by simply using their own experiences against them. This
begins, as Dr. Laing states, with accepting that all individual experience is
valid and real, no matter how mentally ill or brain damaged the individual is.
This idea is what put Dr. Laing into the ‘anti-psychiatry moment’ of the late
1960s and early 70s, and the book does spend quite a bit of time on the
subject. Although, it should be noted, that later editions of the book have
pretty much removed this and his ideas that schizophrenia was a misunderstood
mental journey for the people suffering from this disease, and that they needed
therapy to aid them in their journey, and not drugs to help them. And although
these parts of the book are interesting, the more important part are the first
four chapters that deal with experience and behavior. For they give us the
insight into why there is so much senseless violence in the world and the
forces behind it.
In the first four chapters of the Politics of
Experience, Dr. Laing argues that within our modern-day society and
civilization, all of humanity is basically alienated and fragmented from
itself. And that every single human is living in a world of “pseudo-events” in
which we create a false consciousness that is adapted to allow us to see these
events as true and real.
He says that the primary reason to why we do
this, is because if the average person looks at the social realities that
surround them in a very truthful and meaningful manner, they are quickly
overwhelmed by the fact that it is so ugly, violent, brutal, and heartbreaking,
that most people go into a kind of mental shock and shut it all out of their
minds by not dealing with it in any meaningful manner. In our modern world, you
would say that just about everybody is suffering some type of PTSD (Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder),
due to the trauma that they have seen or personally experience dover the course
of their normal everyday life.
Dr. Laing then argues that we all are
basically alienated from each other because of this trauma and that our society
reflects this alienation. This alienation causes us to become disassociated
with not only ourselves, but also the world around us. He then claims that it has
the very direct effect of driving all of us totally mad or insane.
According to Dr. Laing, that because of all of
this, all of humanity is basically insane and our civilization and society
reflect this fact. This insanity is then considered to be normal and society
will try very hard to enforce this insanity upon others, no matter the cost.
This madness can be best seen when large numbers of humans come together,
almost all violence, especially the most brutal, cruel, destructive, and
murderous violence, is normally only committed by groups of normal people
working together.
He then points out that it is the ‘normal
people’ of society and civilization that have so willingly, and much of the
time happily and joyfully, murdered over 100,000,000+ million innocent people
in insane, brutal, wasteful, wars over the last hundred or so years. Additionally,
this is not counting the untold innocent millions that were murdered by their
own countrymen for some of the most insane reasons. And, if that is not enough
proof of this madness and insanity, we also cerebrate all this death,
destruction, with all its horror of great suffering and misery that it brings
to humanity with great pomp and ritual. Not only do we gleefully cerebrate it,
we also go to great lengths to turn the killers into great mighty heroes. And,
we do all of this, so we can all live with this never-ending insanity of death,
without having to think about what we are really doing, which is very simply killing
each other in an insane orgy of self-destruction, with unbelievable violence in
a mindless brutal madness of blood and gore.
Dr. Laing then goes on to explain how this all
happens. He argues that this condition of alienation and general insanity, creates
two separate parts in each person. He calls them the “inner” and “outer” parts
of our being. Both of them are based on our life experience and that this is
the primary reason for our behavior. This is the general basis to understanding
how to control the behavior of people, by controlling their experience.
The “inner” part of ourselves that Dr. Laing
speaks of is rather easy to understand and explain; it is what you actually
think, feel, and personally experience, in your day-to-day life. It is what
makes you, you. It is everything that you think about in terms of right and
wrong or what you use to make choices, in short, it is your personal values,
morals, and ethics. Which are normally based on how you were raised by your
family, with the values of the community you grew up in. This is where it
starts to get important, Dr. Laing then argues that it is this ‘inner
experience’ that is the basis of all our behavior and that we only really
believe something if, and only if, we experience the “evidence” personally. If
we don’t “experience” the evidence first hand, we never really “believe” it or
always have some type of “doubt” about it. Which in short means, that people will
not believe something or always have some type of doubt, until they see it with
my own eyes or experience it firsthand.
This then leads to his concept of the “outer”
that is spoken of in the book. This is the rest of the world that we observe,
but do not personally experience. This is where the idea can get a little
confusing and hard to follow for some people. As he says in his book; “We can see other people’s behavior, but not
their experience. We only experience others by observing their behavior and
they only experience us by observing our behavior.” To help keep this idea as
easy to understand, what he is basically saying is that we as individuals cannot,
and will not, now or ever, be able to “experience” what somebody else is
“experiencing” or “feel” what they are actually “feeling.” And because of this,
we never really know or truly believe what is going on around us. These ideas
with few other concepts that Dr. Laing talks about in the first few chapters,
leads to us having an ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ self and that our personal experience
of this ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ self, is the basis of all our behavior.
It is this understanding that our behavior is
a product of our experience of dealing with the separate ‘outer world’ and our
own personal ‘inner world,’ is one of the key concepts in this book. Which, of
course leads to the next logical step, which is simply that you can control a
person’s behavior by controlling their experience.
In order to do this, they must first destroy
your experience, which is simply done by separating your ‘inner’ and ‘outer’
parts. And this is simply done by only focusing on the ‘outer’ behavior you
observe or experience. By doing this, it has the effect of causing you to have
doubt about everything and always questioning your experience on very basic
subconscious level.
One of the best examples of how to do this, is
simply putting the “group” over the “individual,” which has the effect of
making you look or focus only on the outer part of your experience and not the
inner. By doing this, it has the primary effect of destroying your life
experience, by separating you from your feelings by making you doubt them in
the first place. By destroying your life experience or feelings, your behavior
will become destructive. I will let Dr. Laing tell you in his own words.
“Our behavior is a function of our experience. We act according to the way we see things. If our experience is destroyed, our behavior will be destructive. If our experience is destroyed, we have lost our own selves.” (R.D. Lang – The Politics of Experience, pp. 28)
This is the primary reason to why you always
see the same violent themes and symbolism in all forms of media; it is simply
designed to keep you focused on the outer world, and never the inner. This is
done by sending a never-ending stream of conflicting ideas and mixed messages
about everything around you. A simple and perfect example of this is how the
average person is shown thousands upon thousands of hours of TV programs,
movies, videos, with millions of images showing that brutal violence and cruel
oppression as being the best and typically the only means to solve every single
problem in life, especially by the authorities or people of power and influence.
Now, here is the key to this simple system, if
that same person, who has been shown their entire life nothing but the idea
that all problems are solved by violence, actually uses violence to solve a
problem. Then that person will be punished beyond belief and treated as a
monster by the very people that have done nothing but show this same person the
message that violence solves problems.
This incredibly simply system has the effect
of causing the vast majority of people to think that everybody else can use
violence to solve their problems, but they cannot. This then causes the person
to become alienated from others, because they think others are getting away
with something they are not. Over time, this alienation causes a type negation,
which will lead the individual to becoming destructive not only to themselves,
but also the world around them. The single best example of this term ‘negation’
and the destructive effects that come from it comes from the renowned
psychologist Erik Erikson and his famous study of Adolf Hitler’s childhood; “A person or child that is negated
will likely develop the desire to destroy.”
This alienation and the negation that comes
from it, will keep most people in a permanent state of agitation, with a
constant nagging feeling, that nothing ‘good’ ever happens in the world or that
anything ‘good’ happens to them personally. This makes the person very easy to
aggravate and easily pushed in certain directions with emotional subject,
normally with violence. One
of the primary goals of this is to make people easier to exploit without them ever
realizing that they are being exploited. I again will let Dr. Laing tell it in
his own words on why one would do this.
“It is not enough to destroy one’s own and other people’s experience. One must overlay this devastation by a false consciousness inured, as Marcuse puts it, to its own falsity. Exploitation must not be seen as such. It must be seen as benevolence. Persecution preferably should not need to be invalidated as the figment of a paranoid imagination; it should be experienced as kindness.” (R.D. Lang – The Politics of Experience, pp. 57)
‘devastation’ is then exploited by either one of two methods; one is described
in the book, the other is based on the technique of what the modern popular
media/culture knows as MK-Ultra, or Monarch, mind control and manipulation. Although
it should be noted, that these project names are most likely out of date and
the current projects are probably called something else, but I will use these
terms because so many are familiar with them.
first technique is the old fashion “Us-vs.-Them” method; the book has a whole
chapter on the subject. This is also the one most everybody understands and
again, although this part of the book is a little dated without all of the
modern medical discoveries of the last 50 years. This is the familiar
propaganda we see every single day telling us who to hate and go to war with.
The two best examples from history of this technique is the idea of the “Big
Lie” from Nazi party in the 1930s and 40s. The other is the recent “Big Lie” of
‘Russia Collusion’ hoax/conspiracy perpetrated upon the American people and the
world over the last two years, by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC,
corrupt elements of the FBI and DOJ, and of course the Main-stream media, in
order to try and overthrow a sitting U.S. President.
other method is based on the modern MK-Ultra/Monarch mind control/manipulation
system, which was first researched and developed by the Nazis in World War II, primarily
by the SS Death Head units. These individuals (many who were known war
criminals) where then brought to America under ‘Project Paperclip’ after the war. It was then taken over by the
CIA in the 1950’s and 60’s and was further developed into the MK- Ultra Mind
Control Program of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Which was later exposed by
the Church Committee 1975. Since that time, it has slowly turned into what is
now known in the popular-culture of conspiracy as ‘Monarch’ mind control/manipulation
that commonly employs Monarch Butterfly symbolism, hence, giving it its name. Which
as you very well know, is widely used in the TV entertainment and music industries
and almost all other forms of corporate media that are based around the
mystical esoteric religious symbols.
entire concept, idea, and general techniques of this system, are based around
the systematic and ritualized use of violence and trauma. It is usually
combined with audio/visual stimulation to help invoke an emotional response
(music videos and major Hollywood movies are a perfect example of this). It is
ideal, if you can get the subject to use drugs or alcohol to help stimulate the
mind into an altered state. This is one of the main reasons why the major
themes shown all the time in entertainment, is drugs and alcohol, it helps in
the trauma. Additionally, by showing the same images of drug and alcohol use
over and over, combined with the message that it is wrong to do it, is the
easiest way to make you do it. They make you think it is cool and that
everybody else is doing it, it is nothing but good old fashion peer pressure.
think is very important in getting people to do things they normally would not
do and the group is fantastic at using violence and the trauma it causes in all
its different forms. Again, the recent ‘Russian Collusion’ hoax is a perfect
example of this, as we all saw, the supporters of this conspiracy convinced
their followers and worked them into a frenzy, with the overwhelming help of
the media, to attack, normally violently, anybody who did not believe it or
accept their claims without any evidence.
as you can now hopefully understand that this violence and the trauma it
causes, is the key to this control and manipulation, and it can take many
different forms. It also allows you to understand that the ruling class does
not actually create the violence, but they do help create the conditions that
lead to it. Additionally, by adding alcohol and drugs (both legal and illegal)
with the additional stress of economic problems of low wages and high living
expenses, it is the perfect recipe for personal violence between individuals.
Which in turn, is used to help control society as a whole, by primarily keeping
people focus on and fighting each other, while never looking up at the true
rulers who pull the strings.
when combined with the additional occult knowledge we learnt from UNLOCKING THEDREAM VISION, and just who the mighty gods of old are and what happened all
those long years ago. We can very easily realize that all of this is not some
crazy accident of fate, nor are we truly violent by nature, but it is in fact,
clearly part of much greater plan to help keep us fighting among ourselves,
instead of trying to figure out why it happens in the first place, which of
course, would lead everybody to who the true enemy of humanity is. And as you
have started to learn in UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION, all paths, sooner or
later, always lead back to them. Which again, is just one more reason why they
are such a danger to us all and why we can no longer allow them to hide or stay
on this planet.
Laing, Dr.
Ronald D.; “The Politics of Experience.” Ballantine Books, New York, NY.
Von-Bruening, R.J.;
“The Forbidden Knowledge of Enoch.” Tate Publishing, Mustang, Oklahoma. (2013).![]() |
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