THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation, we learned of the mighty
Heaven, the massive abode of the gods that slowly moved overhead for all to see.
A sight that is still symbolically remembered as the All-Seeing-Eye and the
Mandala. We also discovered that this Heaven was a real physical place, or more
accurately, a real thing, that mortal men could go to and return from. But
something I did not go into at all, was the Heaven’s earthly but equally famous
counterpart, the Underworld.
The general
concept and stories of the Underworld is similar to the stories of the creation
of man, the star that fell from heaven, the great flood, and even the mighty Heaven,
with the fact that it is found in every single ancient civilization and culture
that we know of. It has been put forward that the idea “may be as old as
humanity itself.” This very well be true, but as with everything we have learnt
from our journey through the Dream Vision, and especially of the mighty abode
of the host of Heaven and what it actually was. There are other symbolic
aspects of the ancient stories of the Underworld that have been overlooked.
As with the
book UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION, we must start with the common features of the
ancient myths of the Underworld and then look for the common symbolism between
them. We must also keep in mind that our ancient ancestors’ ideas of “death”
and our modern-day concept are two vastly different things. With always keeping
in the back of our minds that in the ancient world, anybody that was exiled,
banished, sold or taken into slavery or bondage, or left a community for a
number of years, they were believed and treated as they were actually physically
dead. Although the individual was still very much physically alive. If by chance, one of these individuals
happened to return for some reason, their families, loved ones, friends, and
the community as a whole would still treat them as they were actually dead.
Additionally, for any individual that did return, (except for those thought
lost on a long journey) it would not be uncommon for them to be physically
killed at that point. So, much as we learned about the mighty “Heaven,” the
modern idea of the Underworld being populated by the “spirits or souls of
the physically dead” is actually an incorrect interpretation. But it was in
fact a place that individuals who were physically alive, but thought to be dead
by society, where sent to. They were in a name, the damned souls that had no
future in society at large and treated as physically dead people. In time, they
became to viewed only as spirits, ghosts, or even the walking-dead if they
happened to return. It is only because of our modern misinterpretation that
when the ancients spoke of “death” it always meant an actual physical death of
the body that almost all of the confusion originates from.
By keeping
these two basic ideas in mind, this then allows us to begin interpreting the
stories of the Underworld with the additional information that is hidden within
the mystical symbolism of the myths. Also, because of us being aware of the
information in the book UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of
creation, we also have something that others do not, which is a much more
realistic timeline of historical/mythological events. This then allows us to more
properly place the events and stories that are related to the Underworld into
the 200,000 plus year timeline from the book.
If we keep
in the back of our mind, the above and the many things we learnt from the book and
combined them with the many different mythologies from the ancient world about
the Underworld. We will discover that there are two general ideas about the Underworld.
The first one comes from the very oldest stories and myths that we know of. Within
these ancient stories the Underworld is normally a dark, gloomy, and dreary,
place where all the dead go no matter their social ranking. In the Epic of Gilgamesh,
we are told that the Underworld it “is a house of darkness where the dead “drink dirt and eat
The other
idea, which appears to come much later, is the more traditional idea of
multi-level Hell-like environment where wrongdoers, criminals, sinners, and
those who blasphemed against the gods, went as punishment for their many
transgressions. We can even see this change in the general concept of the
Underworld in ancient Mesopotamia. In the Sumerian and Akkadian poems that were
written long after the Epic of Gilgamesh, we are told of “Ereshkigal”
the queen of the dead, sister of “Inanna,” who is better known by her
Akkadian name, “Ishtar,” who ruled over the Underworld with seven-levels
separated by gates.
The first
clue to understanding these different stories comes from a few different sources,
but primarily from the legends of the Meso-American cultures. In almost all of
the stories that we know of, they typically refer to the legendary “Twin
Brothers” of mythology in some matter, sometimes it is by their actions,
but normally they are born or come to into the world because of the actions of
the gods and events in or directly related to the Underworld. This is also the
point in time where the Underworld starts to become the terrible Hell-like
Underworld of tradition, where the wrongdoers of this life, are punished in
some horrible fashion for their transgressions and sins.
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The Lords of Xibalba |
Within the
ancient Maya myths, we learn of Xibalba (pronounced: Shee-bal-ba) which
is the name the K’iche Maya gave to their Underworld, which means “place of
fear of fright.” We also learn of a story about the birth of Maya Hero
Twins, “Hunahpu and Xbalanque.”
In the story
we are told that when the maize god, “Hun Hunahpu”
and his brother “Vucub-Hunahpu” were playing the game Pokatok, the
other gods became annoyed by the noise and were also very envious of the
brothers’ talents. Pokatok was the violent ball game that mortals and gods were
equally obsessed with that was played with a solid rubber ball, which typically
weighed up to 9lbs (4.08kg). The original stone ball count was said to be
situated just above the entrance to Xibalba and where the gods summoned the two
brother gods to put them through a series of games or tests to see if they were
as good as they claimed to be.
It is said
that the twin brother gods had outwitted all the other gods and made it through
nine levels of the Underworld. All of their tests, however, culminated in the
first game of Pokatok. Although they played with great skill and swiftness,
they in the end, lost. The other gods then sacrificed the twin brother gods and
buried their bodies just beneath the ball count. It is said that Hun
Hunahpu’s head was place in a calabash tree, which was later found by a
goddess of the Underworld known as “Blood-Moon.” It is said she became
miraculously pregnant after the head spat into her hands and she subsequently
gave birth to the legendary Maya Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque.
Within the
myth we are told that the twins were excellent hunters, and very accomplished
Pokatok players. It is also believed that their magical powers were given to
them by the creator gods. The myth begins that one day the twin brothers caught
a rat while they were out hunting and were told by the rodent of what had
happened to their father and uncle in the Underworld. It is unknown if this
information or their irresistible love of Pokatok and the chance to challenge
gods with a game was what lured the twins to Xibalba. But they allowed
themselves to be drawn into Xibalba. Just like their father and uncle, they
survived all the many brutal tests. They spent their last night in the “House
of Bats,” where a large vicious bat bit off the head of Hunahpu. The
gods then forced Xbalanque to play Pokatok with his brother’s head as
the ball. It is said that somehow Xbalanque cleverly switched his
brother’s head with a rabbit’s. After easily winning the game he reattached his
brother’s head to his body, bringing him back to life. Although he had won the
game of Pokatok, the mighty lords of the Underworld still wanted both of them
dead. The twin brothers eventually outwitted the gods by using their magical
abilities to make it appear that they had allowed themselves to be sacrificed
by fire. After coming back to life, they then slew all the gods of Xibalba
gods, but one, and then resurrected their father, Hun Hunahpu, the Mazie
This ancient
Maya myth of the Underworld provides us with the information and the vital clue
as to ‘when’ this idea of the Underworld first came into being. It also
allows us to realize that the older idea of the Underworld/Afterlife being a
gloomy, dreary, dark place, must come from the one we know as Neanderthal.
Which explains the rather simple idea remembered in the most ancient of stories
about the Underworld or Afterlife. It also gives us another small insight into
the mind of Neanderthal. With it seeming to show us that Neanderthal may have had
a concept of an Afterlife, it was a highly limited one that appears to based
directly on Neanderthal’s burial practice of placing their deceased in caves.
Which with their limited mental powers, they must have come to believe that the
cave they were buried in would be the very place they would spend eternity,
hence the idea of gloomy, dreary, dark place, like a cave.
Based on the
new timeline of history that we discovered in the book, we can quickly realize
and understand that the concept of a multi-level Hell-like Underworld comes
either during or very shortly after the events of the Exodus and the twin
brothers who continued on with the Exodus, we learned from the story of the Dream
Vision. Additionally, we also understand that these stories are actually coming
from Cro-Magnon Man. Which means they have to be viewed through the lens of the
mystical symbolism with its symbolic thought as we did in UNLOCKING THE DREAM
As with the
book, we must first look at the common features of the symbolism between the
different mythologies and then interpret them through the mystical symbolic
meaning. When we do this, we will find many of the same remarkable things that
we did with the mighty “Heaven” in book; that all the ancient mythology about a
multi-level Hell-like Underworld are all strangely describing the same terrible
place using the same mystical symbolism. All of the ancient myths, legends, and
folklore, describe the same physical place with the same horrible things that
happened to those poor damned souls who were unlucky enough to be taken inside.
All the stories
begin with a large cave-like entrance that takes them through a long dark
passageway deep underground into the earth. In Meso-America mythology this
journey could take up to four days, in some Eastern traditions it is a journey
that could last months, while in a few traditions the journey could take years.
But in all the myths, sooner or later the individual would come to a large
cavern with a river they must cross. To the ancient Greeks and Romans this was
the river Styx with the ferryman of the dead, Charon, who
demanded payment of a gold coin to transport the unlucky soul to the other
side. In Mesopotamian mythology this was Urshanabi, the ferryman of the Hubur,
river of the dead. In other traditions, the poor soul may have to build a
boat/raft, in some there might a bridge they have to cross, and still in others
they are picked up by the spirits of ancestors that have suffered the same
fate. But again, in all the myths, the river of the dead must be crossed in
some manner.
crossing the river of the dead, the damned soul would approach the gates of the
Underworld, which were always protected by a fearsome beast. In Greek/Roman
mythology, this was Cerberus. The “hound of Hades” that was a
three-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead
from leaving. To the Egyptians this was “Aker” who was depicted as two
recumbent lion torsos merged into one, with their heads looking away from one
other. In Norse mythology this guardian was “Garmr or Garm” who
was described as great fearsome blood-stained wolf that guarded Hel’s gate and
was also associated with Ragnarök. But in all the ancient traditions, there is
some type of fearsome guardian that kept the damned within the gates of hell.
passing the guardian, the unfortunate soul would then pass through the gates of
the Underworld, the point of no return. They would then come into a central
area to be judged (which depending on the tradition), by any number of gods of
death or lords, kings or queens, of the Underworld. This judgment would decide
which level of the Underworld the damned soul would be sent for punishment that
fit their great transgression or sin.
This is the
point where all the different traditions of the world agree on, that there were
a number of different levels of the Underworld. The two most common number of
levels remembered is seven or nine. Although there are a number of ancient
religious traditions that put the number higher or lower, for example in
Buddhist belief there are up to eighteen different levels, while ancient
Chinese Daoist and folk traditions it is believed there were ten fearsome
courts of Hell. While Greek and Roman believed in only three or four.
and something many may find surprising, is that Dante’s vivid description of
the Inferno of Hell in “The Divine Comedy” is possibly the single best
description of this ancient idea of a multi-level hell-like Underworld. It also
provides us with a small insight to the motivation behind the “The Divine
Comedy” and why the Catholic Church helped promote it. Because it was simply
trying to “Christianize” this ancient traditional belief of the Underworld. By
realizing this, we can then understand that if we strip away all the “Christian
symbolism” and “Christianized thought” from Dante’s Inferno. We are left with a
list of the most common ancient beliefs of what was claimed to have occur on
each level of the Underworld.
Dante’s Inferno/Hell
#1 – Limbo/darkness
#2 – Strong winds
#3 – Icy rain
#4 – Crushing weight
#5 – Drowning, water
#6 – Fire
#7 – Boiling, transformed into trees or
hanging from thorny limbs,
#8 – Ten Levels – Torture, excrement,
placed in tube-like holes w/fire/heat, bodies distorted, torn to pieces with
the claws of the demon Malebranche (“Evil Claws”) and grappling hooks, repetitive
tasks, biting by reptiles that bind their hands, pillars of flame, hacked &
mutilated, disease, starvation.
#9 – Five levels, all related to ice or
freezing, with the center being the realm of Satan that ruled over all the
other levels of Hell.
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Garden of Earthly Delights |
Not only are we left with a description of
the Underworld, but it also incorporates enough information to see that almost
all the other ancient beliefs about the Underworld are speaking of particular
levels or sub-levels of this Underworld. For example, within the Daoist belief
the “ten courts of Hell” would be speaking of the ten sections of the eighth
level of Hell in Dante’s description or how the Buddhist belief remembers up to
eighteen levels could be a combination of the last three levels of Dante’s
Inferno. It also appears to have been very common for the first seven levels to
be combined into just one or two levels. The only notable difference is Dante’s
idea that the lowest levels of the Underworld were icy, cold, freezing places
of endless ice, and not the fiery Hell of the damned as is so traditionally
believed. This is because of the early Christian belief that Hell was a cold
frozen place because it was as far as one could get from the light of God.
If we take this information and combine
it with our knowledge of the symbols and their secret history of creation that
we learned in UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION, we can understand a number of the
mysteries of the Underworld that brings it out of the realm of mythology for
the first time. The first is the realization that the Underworld, as with the
mighty Heaven, was at one time, many thousands upon thousands of years ago, was
a real place. Not only was it a real place, but it was a place that the most
destructive elements of human society in the ancient world were sent to by the
gods or their servants. Normally, this event would occur just after the
individual had been exiled or banished from their community, which would be
viewed as an actual death by the rest of the community. But, from time to time,
an individual would be lucky enough to either escape or be saved from this
place and tell of the horrors that were there. Unfortunately, the actual
location of this terrible place appears to have been truly lost to history, or
if it has been found, it has never been disclosed to the public in any manner.
Once we understand that the Underworld
was a real place, we can then begin understanding that there appears to be two
separate, but equally gruesome activities that were occurring within this
underground chamber of horrors. The first appears to be some type of medical
and genetic experimentation was being performed. With the ancient mythology
sounding much like the horrific human experimentation that occurred under the
Nazi regime during World War II. It does not take much imagination to realize
that the horrors of the human experimentation that occurred during World War II
would be viewed in much the same manner as we read in the ancient mythologies
of the Underworld. We see the same elements of people being subjected to
freezing and high temperatures. Their bodies being injected with strange
substances or things being surgically implanted, possibly by automation. The
mythologies are filled with imaginary of individuals being physically transformed
into hideous monsters or having the elements of both human and animal. Which
appears to indicate some type of real-time genetic engineering was also being
under taken. The myths are also filled with stories of people having to perform
the same repetitive task or be subject to the same treatment endlessly.
The other activity that is occurring
may be even more gruesome than medical experimentation, it is also one of the
oldest ideas associated with the Underworld, which is food production. The idea
that human beings were being used as food to feed the many different evil
monsters, creatures, and rulers, that inhabited the Underworld is found in
every single myth and tradition all around the world, including Christianity.
If we look at the ancient mythologies with this idea in mind, we again can
easily imagine how a modern-day automated slaughter-house would be viewed in
the same manner as the human experimentation would be viewed by our ancient
ancestors. The bodies are first selected, then they are prepared to be killed and
slaughtered for food. The bodies would be gutted and hung to bleed them out,
then placed in a cold environment to preserve them. Once they were needed the
bodies would be removed for processing, they would be butchered, then cooked,
and then eaten by the inhabitants of the Underworld. Then for both processes,
the biological waste and unused body parts would need to be disposed of, which
according the myths, this biological material would be burned in a large
furnace-like structure.
Not only are these two ideas found in
every tradition, it is still an idea that is very much alive today in the
modern world. Because if we take a moment and look at the modern-day UFO lore,
we will discover that a number of similar claims have been made about
super-secret deep underground bases. Which according to a number of
whistleblowers over the last few decades some of these underground bases are
believed to have been built and are occupied by humans with an unknown number
of others being of alien origin and under their control. Within this modern-day
lore, they claim the same horrific things that our ancient ancestors described
as happening in the Underworld are still occurring to this very day.
Now, it is up to you to make up your
own mind on whether or not these claims are true or false, but it cannot be
denied that the modern-day UFO lore of deep underground bases where it is
claimed that gruesome human medical and genetic experiments are being performed
by unhuman hands. When combined with the general idea they these humans are also
being used as a food source is eerily similar to the ancient accounts of Hell
and the Underworld. Additionally, we can realize through our knowledge of the
symbolism and the secret history of creation, that our ancient ancestors would
describe the modern-day UFO lore in exactly the same way as they described the
multi-level Hell-like Underworld of tradition.
It is also claimed within the UFO lore that
it is the “Grey Aliens” of popular culture that are the ones behind much of
this, if not all of it. Which as we learnt in the book, the Grey Aliens of
today are in fact the ancient Fallen Watchers that were imprisoned
within those weak, ugly, asexual, bodies, tens of thousands of years ago so
they could not repeat their sexual crimes of perversion that committed with our
earliest ancestors. Which also lends more weight to the idea that the primary motivation
behind Underworld has always been some type of experimentation by the Fallen
Watchers to try and escape the bodies they are imprisoned within so long
ago. Which again, is similar to the modern-day UFO lore of them creating
human/alien hybrids for some unknown reason.
All of is allows us to realize and
understand that all of these different stories of the Underworld, both ancient
and modern, are all related to Fallen Watchers and their followers with
their never-ending lust to recommit their crimes against man, beast, and nature
itself in order to worshiped as gods once again. This final insight also
provides us with a possible answer to why the actual location of the Underworld
has never been found, because it could still be in use to this very day. Which
if true, then it would be a site that would be kept secret and protected at all
cost. -RJ-
Loring Wallace, Jennie Hirsh, Contemporary Art and Classical Myth (2011).
Carol. “Hell.” Last Updated: May 29, 2019 See
Article History -
Geller; “Xibalba.” Last Updated: October 12,
Maria C.; “Mayan Religion”
published on July 29, 2015
R.J.; “UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation.” R.J.
Von-Bruening/KDP Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-7329096-1-8. (2018).
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Mark; “The Ball Game of Mesoamerica.:
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Last updated May 31, 2019.
Schneider claimed to be a former US Government Geologist and Engineer, who was
involved in producing the underground explosions which were required to
facilitate the building of various underground military bases, as well as
submarine bases for the United States Government. He claimed to be one of only
three people who survived the infamous Alien/Human War at Dulce and Los Alamos,
where 66 Government Agents and Workers supposedly lost their lives in August of
1979. For the last two years of his life he gave lectures about supposed classified
information, including UFO's to the media and general public. Philip Schneider
was found dead in his apartment on January 17, 1996. Some people claim that he
was murdered.
“UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation” For the
first time reveals the true meaning of the mysterious esoteric symbols that
surround us. It is a unique and fascinating journey into one of the most
heretical, blasphemous, and controversial accounts of creation ever told, for
both believer and skeptic alike.
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