Friday, September 13, 2019

Could the Moon Really be Artificial?

     There is no doubt that at some point in time surfing the old internet you have ran across the claim that the Moon is actually an artificial body, possibly placed there long ago by some unknown alien species for some unknown reason. I know it sounds a bit on the science-fiction side of things for some and down right crazy to others. But, if we think about the idea for a few moments, it does raise a few interesting questions about our Moon and the answers to these questions may just surprise you and make you wonder if the Moon may indeed be an artificial body.

     In order to understand the question of our Moon being artificial, we must first understand what would happen to the Earth if it did not have a Moon. As for an example; what would happen if the Moon was stuck by a large object and knocked out of orbit or it disappeared for some other strange mysterious reason? Surprisingly enough, numerous people and researchers over the years have wondered this very thing and come up with an answer. 

     The simple truth is, there would be a great number of changes that would occur if our Moon suddenly disappeared. With first and obvious changes being that the night would become much darker, the tides would decrease by about two-thirds, and there would be no more lunar or solar eclipses. But the two most important things that would happen to the Earth and have the greatest impact in the long run, with the first being that the axial tilt of the Earth would become wildly unstable. The second thing would be that the spin of the Earth would rapidly increase to where a day would only last six to twelve hours.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Underworld

(*** NOTE: This post is written from the perspective that you have already read UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation. If you have not read it, then it is recommended that you may not want to waste your time with reading this post, because it will not make much sense to you. But if you want to know more, then you can order a copy from one of the links below. ***)

In UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation, we learned of the mighty Heaven, the massive abode of the gods that slowly moved overhead for all to see. A sight that is still symbolically remembered as the All-Seeing-Eye and the Mandala. We also discovered that this Heaven was a real physical place, or more accurately, a real thing, that mortal men could go to and return from. But something I did not go into at all, was the Heaven’s earthly but equally famous counterpart, the Underworld.

The general concept and stories of the Underworld is similar to the stories of the creation of man, the star that fell from heaven, the great flood, and even the mighty Heaven, with the fact that it is found in every single ancient civilization and culture that we know of. It has been put forward that the idea “may be as old as humanity itself.” This very well be true, but as with everything we have learnt from our journey through the Dream Vision, and especially of the mighty abode of the host of Heaven and what it actually was. There are other symbolic aspects of the ancient stories of the Underworld that have been overlooked.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

An Esoteric Understanding about the Question of Violence

This post is an attempt to answer a question I was asked by a retired police officer who had read my book and written to me. And as a retired police officer, who had seen more than his fair share of man’s inhumanity to man, he was wondering (in the context of chapter 18 of UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION), if I had any esoteric or occult insight into why this senseless violence occurs so often. Although it is beyond my ability to answer why individual acts of violence occur, there is actually an esoteric reason for why so much of it happens, and why the elites and ruling class seem to do so little to stop it.
As we all know so well, the problem of violence has plagued mankind from the beginning and it is a highly complex problem that has been studied, researched, and augured about, for almost as long. All without any real answers to why it happens or any solutions that actually work. For it does appear to be something that is just part of us, or is it? Could it be that we are not actually that violent by nature, but we are somehow tricked or manipulated into being so violent?

Saturday, March 16, 2019

A Deeper Occult Understanding of the Exodus – Part I

(***NOTE: This post is intended for those individuals that have read ‘UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation.’ If you have not read it, then it is recommended that you not waste your time with this post. Because it will be going much deeper into the Exodus based on the occult information that was revealed within the pages of Chapters 9-12 of UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION. ***)

In this post, we will be taking a much closer look at the event remembered as the grand Exodus out of Egypt by the Israelites, more specifically, we will be focusing on the journey the Israelites took out of Egypt into the wilderness until their eventual crossing of Jordan with them moving into the promised land. And in the process, it will answer some of the lingering mysteries surrounding this monumental event that were not addressed in the book.

Our journey begins with the Israelites leaving the land of Goshen on the eastern part of the Nile delta. If we follow the biblical story, their journey takes them to the southernmost point of the Sinai Peninsula by the Straits of Tiran, which lead into the Gulf of Aqaba on the northeastern part of the Red Sea. If we also look at the Red Sea basin on a detailed map, we will quickly discover that this is also the only possible area of the entire Red Sea that the ancient Israelites could have possibly crossed at. Because the rest of the Red Sea is shaped like a great canyon with sheer drop offs that extend for hundreds of feet.

If we take a moment and look at the Straits of Tiran, we will see that today, that the Straits has two primary channels. The one on the east side, closest to Saudi Arabia, is approximately 70 meters deep (229 ft.) and a few kilometers across (1.8 miles). The second one, is 205 meters deep (672 ft.) and about 15 kilometers wide (9.3 miles). With a number of small islands in between the two channels.

A Deeper Occult Understanding of the Exodus – Part II

(***NOTE: This post is intended for those individuals that have read ‘UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation.’ If you have not read it, then it is recommended that you not waste your time with this post. Because it will be going much deeper into the Exodus based on the occult information that was revealed within the pages of Chapters 9-12 of UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION. ***)

In Part I, we explored the greater Exodus story which is revealed through our understanding of the symbolic Dream Vision with its secret history of creation. Within this greater understanding, we discovered that it is highly probable that the original land of Canaan, and the site of King Solomon’s Temple and Citadel could be the mysterious site known as “Takht-e-Soleyman” (Throne of Solomon), located in northwestern Iran. Additionally, we also learned the occult secret of the Indo-European people and their connection to the tribes of Israel through the twin leaders of the Exodus from the Dream Vision, with a better understanding of how they moved across the world. But we did not explore the really big questions of how and why everybody today believes that the area in and around the modern-day nation of Israel is the land of Canaan and the city of Jerusalem is the original site of the First Temple of King Solomon, if the actual events took place in the area of northwest Iran?

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Reconciling the Historical Timeline with the Dream Vision

(NOTE: This post is for those individuals that have read ‘UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: Thesecret history of creation.’ And if you have not read UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION, then this post will be highly confusing to you, and that you might not want to waste your time reading it until you have read ‘UNLOCKING THE DREAMVISION: The secret history of creation.’)

Now, for those who have read UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION, this post will expand upon and help reconcile the new, but highly radical timeline presented in the book with the accepted historical timeline that we are all taught in school. In order to understand how the accepted historical timeline is actually based on the timeline of the Dream Vision, we must first remember that the original timeline was changed by the early Catholic Church.

Monday, January 21, 2019

‘The Bird of Paradise’ (from ‘The Politics of Experience’)

The following is a very interesting and highly telling esoteric look at the secret history of creation from psychiatrist Ronald David Laing (October 1927 – August 1989), who is usually cited as R.D. Laing.
R.D. Laing was a Scottish psychiatrist who extensively on mental illness, in particular, the experience of psychosis. He held a number of unorthodox views that ran counter to most of the psychiatric community, with taking the expressed feelings of the individual patient or client as valid description of lived experience, including serious conditions like schizophrenia. Although he rejected the label, he has always been associated with anti-psychiatry and spent most of his life promoting it.
(Wikipedia - R.D. Laing)

Interesting enough, he is regarded as a great thinker of the New Left, which campaigned for a broad range of social issues such as civil and political rights, feminism, gay rights, gender roles and drug policy reforms, or what is now known as ‘Politically Correct’ or ‘Social Justice’ movements. He is in fact a major figure in the early movement, providing much of the psychological framework for controlling people without their knowledge. His book, “Politics of Experience” is a must read for anybody wishing to understand the underlying concepts behind much of the current political philosophies of the New Left and Globalism in general. (Politicsof Experience/The Bird of Paradise)

Could the Moon Really be Artificial?