Monday, January 21, 2019

‘The Bird of Paradise’ (from ‘The Politics of Experience’)

The following is a very interesting and highly telling esoteric look at the secret history of creation from psychiatrist Ronald David Laing (October 1927 – August 1989), who is usually cited as R.D. Laing.
R.D. Laing was a Scottish psychiatrist who extensively on mental illness, in particular, the experience of psychosis. He held a number of unorthodox views that ran counter to most of the psychiatric community, with taking the expressed feelings of the individual patient or client as valid description of lived experience, including serious conditions like schizophrenia. Although he rejected the label, he has always been associated with anti-psychiatry and spent most of his life promoting it.
(Wikipedia - R.D. Laing)

Interesting enough, he is regarded as a great thinker of the New Left, which campaigned for a broad range of social issues such as civil and political rights, feminism, gay rights, gender roles and drug policy reforms, or what is now known as ‘Politically Correct’ or ‘Social Justice’ movements. He is in fact a major figure in the early movement, providing much of the psychological framework for controlling people without their knowledge. His book, “Politics of Experience” is a must read for anybody wishing to understand the underlying concepts behind much of the current political philosophies of the New Left and Globalism in general. (Politicsof Experience/The Bird of Paradise)

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Occult Secret of the Blood Rite

(***This post deals with the highly controversial subject of the ancient Blood Rite (consumption of blood) and its connection to the practice of human sacrifice. Due to the fact that the vast majority of people are very skeptical of not only the practice, but also the effects, it is strongly recommended that you do your own research into the subject and draw your own conclusions based on all available evidence.)

Just about everybody has some idea of what a Blood Rite or Blood Ritual is, the most common version that is familiar to most in the Western world is the Eucharist and the doctrine of Transubstantiation, whereby the sacrament of the Mass, the bread and wine, not only symbolically represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ, but in reality, become the body and blood of Jesus Christ to the faithful.

Its other more sinister form, when it is related to animal and human sacrifice, is also rather familiar, primarily due to Hollywood and its never-ending stream of bad horror movies. Although, Hollywood tends to misinterpret the reasons for it and how it was done, it does get the fact right that in the ancient world, animal and human sacrifice was usually done as an offering to a deity, as part of ritual. The victims were normally ritually killed in a manner that was suppose to please and/or appease the gods, spirits, or even the deceased, as a form of ancestor worship. It was also done as a propitiatory offering, where a king’s servants, wives, or even animals, were killed and buried with the king, in order for them to continue to serve their master in the next life. Surprisingly enough, this form of human sacrifice is also closely related to and may have its origin in the practices found in some tribal societies that practiced cannibalism and headhunting, which again, have been misinterpreted by Hollywood as a barbaric custom, that is only practiced by primitive cultures.

Could the Moon Really be Artificial?