Friday, September 13, 2019

Could the Moon Really be Artificial?

     There is no doubt that at some point in time surfing the old internet you have ran across the claim that the Moon is actually an artificial body, possibly placed there long ago by some unknown alien species for some unknown reason. I know it sounds a bit on the science-fiction side of things for some and down right crazy to others. But, if we think about the idea for a few moments, it does raise a few interesting questions about our Moon and the answers to these questions may just surprise you and make you wonder if the Moon may indeed be an artificial body.

     In order to understand the question of our Moon being artificial, we must first understand what would happen to the Earth if it did not have a Moon. As for an example; what would happen if the Moon was stuck by a large object and knocked out of orbit or it disappeared for some other strange mysterious reason? Surprisingly enough, numerous people and researchers over the years have wondered this very thing and come up with an answer. 

     The simple truth is, there would be a great number of changes that would occur if our Moon suddenly disappeared. With first and obvious changes being that the night would become much darker, the tides would decrease by about two-thirds, and there would be no more lunar or solar eclipses. But the two most important things that would happen to the Earth and have the greatest impact in the long run, with the first being that the axial tilt of the Earth would become wildly unstable. The second thing would be that the spin of the Earth would rapidly increase to where a day would only last six to twelve hours.

Could the Moon Really be Artificial?