Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Underworld

(*** NOTE: This post is written from the perspective that you have already read UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation. If you have not read it, then it is recommended that you may not want to waste your time with reading this post, because it will not make much sense to you. But if you want to know more, then you can order a copy from one of the links below. ***)

In UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation, we learned of the mighty Heaven, the massive abode of the gods that slowly moved overhead for all to see. A sight that is still symbolically remembered as the All-Seeing-Eye and the Mandala. We also discovered that this Heaven was a real physical place, or more accurately, a real thing, that mortal men could go to and return from. But something I did not go into at all, was the Heaven’s earthly but equally famous counterpart, the Underworld.

The general concept and stories of the Underworld is similar to the stories of the creation of man, the star that fell from heaven, the great flood, and even the mighty Heaven, with the fact that it is found in every single ancient civilization and culture that we know of. It has been put forward that the idea “may be as old as humanity itself.” This very well be true, but as with everything we have learnt from our journey through the Dream Vision, and especially of the mighty abode of the host of Heaven and what it actually was. There are other symbolic aspects of the ancient stories of the Underworld that have been overlooked.

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