Friday, September 13, 2019

Could the Moon Really be Artificial?

     There is no doubt that at some point in time surfing the old internet you have ran across the claim that the Moon is actually an artificial body, possibly placed there long ago by some unknown alien species for some unknown reason. I know it sounds a bit on the science-fiction side of things for some and down right crazy to others. But, if we think about the idea for a few moments, it does raise a few interesting questions about our Moon and the answers to these questions may just surprise you and make you wonder if the Moon may indeed be an artificial body.

     In order to understand the question of our Moon being artificial, we must first understand what would happen to the Earth if it did not have a Moon. As for an example; what would happen if the Moon was stuck by a large object and knocked out of orbit or it disappeared for some other strange mysterious reason? Surprisingly enough, numerous people and researchers over the years have wondered this very thing and come up with an answer. 

     The simple truth is, there would be a great number of changes that would occur if our Moon suddenly disappeared. With first and obvious changes being that the night would become much darker, the tides would decrease by about two-thirds, and there would be no more lunar or solar eclipses. But the two most important things that would happen to the Earth and have the greatest impact in the long run, with the first being that the axial tilt of the Earth would become wildly unstable. The second thing would be that the spin of the Earth would rapidly increase to where a day would only last six to twelve hours.
     These two effects would be devastating for life on the planet. Without the stabilizing force of the Moon, the axial tilt would radically change over time. It has been estimated that without the Moon, the axial tilt would possibly far exceed 45 degrees at times, making the Earth a world that spins on its side. This means that the poles would not always be cold nor would the equator always be warm. Ice ages would come and go preferentially hitting different parts of the Earth every few thousand years. This combined with the speed up of Earth’s rotational spin, would make for a crazy world filled with extreme climate swings. There could easily be more than a thousand days in one year. This would create total chaos with the weather, with times of no seasons at all, too extreme seasons of heat and cold, were half the planet bakes in the sun for half the year, while the other half freezes. There would be other times of never-ending heat where one half of planet faces sun while the other side is thrown into a night of relentless cold and ice that lasts for thousands of years.

     It would be such a world of extreme weather that any complex life, including ourselves, would be wiped out in a remarkably short amount of time. It would also be a world where it would very difficult, if not impossible for complex life to ever remerge. If by some chance it did, it would quickly be wiped out by the extreme climate of either never ending heat or frozen and ground to dust as the ice moved across the surface of the Earth.

     Now, this is where it starts to get interesting and where we can begin actually answering this question of our Moon being artificial. With being aware of what would happen if our Moon suddenly disappeared. You will learn that we can actually answer this question of whether or not the Moon is artificial. This is because all we have to do is go back and look through the geological record of Earth to see if these same types of extreme conditions ever existed at some point in the past. If they did in fact exist at some point in the past, then it would be very logical to assume that the Earth may not of have a Moon in orbit at that time. Which on the other hand, if the same extreme conditions did not exist within the geological record, then we must logically conclude that the Earth must have always had a Moon.

     If we do this, and we go back and look through the geological history of our humble little blue ball. We will find something that is absolutely remarkable, totally mind blowing and almost beyond belief. We will find the scientific fact that these are the exact same conditions that appear to have existed on the Earth between its birth of approximately 4.5 billion years ago up to approximately 635 million years ago. What may be even more remarkable, is that over the next 40 or so million years from this time of 635 million years ago, the extreme climate conditions on Earth stabilized to a point that we have the Cambrian explosion of complex life.

     This allows us to reasonably speculate that the real reason the climate stabilized after billions of years of extreme conditions, which then allowed complex life to develop, was simply because this was the time when the Moon was placed into orbit. Additionally, and possibly more remarkable than the idea of the Moon being placed into orbit, is the fact this is the time of what is known as “Powell’s Great Unconformity,” or more commonly known as the “Great Unconformity.” Which for those of you who are unaware, is the simple fact that approximately 1.2 billion years of rock is missing from the geological record of the Earth. That translates into about 14 kilometers (8.7 miles) of vertical rock from the entire surface area of world is literally missing, as if it was removed from the surface of the Earth by some great hand that reached out of the cosmos and scooped it up.

     In order to account for this all of this missing rock, geologists have proposed the “Snowball Earth” theory to explain it. This Snowball Earth theory simply states that between 716 to 635 million years ago, the entire Earth froze twice and was covered in miles of ice, from the poles to the equator, and all the missing rock was ground down to dust and dumped into the oceans by eons of massive glaciers of ice moving over the land.

     There are two primary problems with this theory. The first one is the simple fact that all this missing rock is not on the ocean floor. Geologists claim is this because of subduction and the material has been pulled back into the Earth long ago. The problem with this idea is that due to plate tectonics, many parts of the ocean floor of 700 to 600 million years ago are now parts of the continents that stand upon dried ground and were never subducted back into the Earth. Remarkably, these areas also show this Great Unconformity of missing rock. This clearly supplies evidence that whatever process removed this massive amount of rock was in fact a worldwide event that included the oceans of the world. Additionally, at this ancient time, the geological record shows that the atmosphere of the Earth became very toxic, with huge amounts chemical compounds, which have been interpreted as evidence of huge volcanic activity occurring at this time. But again, there is very little other supporting evidence that massive volcanic activity was occurring at this ancient point in time.

     All of this, allows us to speculate with some confidence that Earth must not of have a Moon until approximately 635 million years ago to possibly as early as 716 million years ago. We can also speculate, given the evidence of the Great Unconformity, that the Moon must have been made from this massive amount of missing rock. There is also the supporting evidence that the chemical make-up of Moon and of the Earth are more-or-less identical, meaning the Moon and the Earth are made out of the same material. Additionally, if we run a few numbers on the volume of the missing rock, the volume of the Moon, and the difference in density between the two bodies, we will discover that the amount of missing rock, is within just a few percentage points of each other. This just adds more evidence to the idea that Moon must be an artificial body that was actually constructed out of the missing rock of the Great Unconformity.

     This of course, naturally raises the questions of who could have done this, why would they have done it, and how did they do it? This also naturally has the almost automatic answer of the “who” being of course, a highly advanced alien species that must have done it. Although it is rather obvious that it must have been an ancient alien civilization that accomplished this, I think there are two possibilities on where these ‘aliens’ could have come from, both of which provide possible answers to the how and why.

     The first one is the general idea that approximately 716 to 635 million years ago, a highly advanced intelligent species of an interstellar civilization found our solar system and Earth. They would have quickly realized that if could stabilize the axial tilt and the spin of the Earth, it would become a very habitable planet that they would then be able to live upon. They also realized that if they removed approximately 2% of the Earth’s mass and placed in a high enough orbit it would then stabilize both the axial tilt and high rate of rotational spin.

     How they actually preformed this incredible feat of engineering is anybody’s guess. This is something that if far beyond our current technology, knowledge, and engineering skills, at this point in time. I do suspect that they were able to vaporize the rock in some manner. Possibly through the use of massive solar arrays of mirrors in orbit that would focus the sun’s energy into an intense beam of super-heated sunlight, much like a massive supersized magnifying glass in orbit. That would just vaporize the rock into super-heated gas, which would then be accelerated to escape velocity and thrown into orbit. I personally do not have any idea of how they would actually accomplish this part of the project. But they must have had the technology and engineering to capture this super-heated gas of vaporized rock and accelerated it into orbit. Which, for an interstellar civilization, I think it would be safe to say their technology and general knowledge of just about everything would be vastly greater than our own. It also possible that such a project might be nothing more than the average day at work for a species that have achieved the level of being an interstellar civilization.

     No matter how they actually accomplished it, once it was in orbit this material would then naturally begin forming into the Moon through gravity. I think it is also possible that they ‘seeded’ the process, by moving a large asteroid-like body into orbit before they began. This small body, most likely only a dozen or so miles across, through its own weak gravity and other electrostatic forces, would naturally start attracting this vaporized rock adding to size. Once this new body had grown large enough, it would begin to stabilize the axial tilt and slow down the spin of the Earth. As you can imagine, this part of the process would have created chaos across the world as everything begin stabilizing. It is possible that it was this stabilizing process of the Moon upon the Earth that may have caused the two worldwide freezing episodes that mistakenly led geologists to come up with the Snowball Earth theory.

     Once the spin and the axial tilt had stabilized, along with the climate, they could then settle upon the Earth, building either an outpost or possibly an entire new civilization. This activity could also be the reason why the Cambrian explosion happened. Simply because they introduced new lifeforms and DNA into the environment. Which up to this time only consisted of simply one-cell forms of life making Earth a rather bleak and barren landscape.   
The other possibility is very similar to the first, but it is something much closer to home, Mars. I think it is possible that these mysterious aliens could have in fact been from our nearest neighbor Mars. Although it might sound a bit strange to some, but many researchers have proposed that in the early solar system Mars may have been much more favorable for life than the early Earth. So much so, that many have proposed that life may have originated there and then was transported to Earth, normally by meteors, but intelligent life is not out of the question.

     If the experts are right and life first developed on Mars, then it makes sense that intelligent life would have also developed on Mars first. Not only would it have developed first, it would have known its own world was slowly dying as the never-ending solar wind slowly ate away at its atmosphere. This would provide them with possibly the best reason and motivation for why an intelligent species would undertake such a massive project. Earth would have seemed like the perfect world, but only if they could stabilize the axial tilt and spin of the planet. Once they accomplished this as with the first scenario, then they could move to Earth and abandon their dying world of Mars.

     Which again, as with the first scenario, their actions may be the reason Cambrian explosion occurred. But unlike the first scenario, these people would have introduced life that may had originally evolved and developed on Mars. Then after an unknown amount of time, possibly millions of years, this intelligent species would have died out and went extinct. But the lifeforms they brought with them lived on and eventually over time, they became fully adapted to Earth and took over the entire planet without any competition from any native life. Without any real competition, their populations would have exploded forcing them to move across the world filling any and all niches. This type of a scenario would easily explain the Cambrian explosion and the strange fact of why we see so little prior evolution before this time.

     As you can now understand, our humble little Moon, may have a much more interesting history than any have ever imagined before. Additionally, with our knowledge from UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation, and that there might have been as many as a dozen intelligent technologically advanced species on Earth before us. It is highly probable that each one has left their mark on the Moon and in the future, we may be rather surprised by what we find if and when we return to our closest neighbor in the night sky.

     It is also possible, that this is the real reason why we have not returned to the Moon. It is simply because NASA quickly realized the truth that the Moon was an artificial body and as we all know, that knowledge in the early 1970s would have shocked the world in ways no one could predict. Even today, it is impossible to predict how the population of the world would react to such news. Which again, as we all know, it is more than enough reason for NASA and the powers-that-be to want to keep this information hidden from the general public. It would also explain why the Apollo project was canceled; it was simply to risky that somebody would eventually figure it out or even worst, a member of the general public would notice something strange that would lead them to suspect that the story they were being told about the Moon was not correct.

    It would also help explain the many claims that the entire Moon landing was a hoax and why so many of the official lunar photographs appear to faked or staged. It would have simply been done to hide anything that might lead somebody to suspect that the Moon was actually an artificial body. Which as we have just learned, there is ample evidence to think it truly is and is just one more reason on why we need to return to the Moon, to find the truth about it and possibly ourselves.  -RJ-


What Would Earth Be Like Without a Moon?:

What Would Happen If the Moon Disappeared?:

How Volcanos Froze the Earth (twice):

Miracle Earth: Snowball Earth.:

Snowball Earth – How the Universe Works.:

Is the Mystery of Earth’s 1.2 Billion Missing Years Solved? – SciShow News:

Evidence for a Geological Trigger of the Cambrian Explosion:


UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation takes you on a unique and fascinating journey into one of the most heretical, blasphemous, and controversial accounts of creation ever told, for both believer and skeptic.




  1. Zechariah Sitchin's books claim our moon was a stray moon from the crypto planet Nibiru and Earth collided with it forming the asteroid belt. Earth was called Tiamot and had a different orbit.

  2. Why is man missing from the fossil record before African Eve? Millions of years are missing.


Could the Moon Really be Artificial?